Sunday, December 28, 2008
I hope
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
What cutie....
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Just a little info
Friday, December 12, 2008
Please let me be done........
I know I have been tagged and awarded and plan on commetting on that in a later post I'm not sure if I know 17 bloggers right now. Thanks for the knowledge Kelly. Liz there are plenty of things people don't know about me, I'm a complex person.
Ok back to work.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
So Sweet.........

Wow, looking at this picture no wonder Timothy said I've had that jacket as long as he could remember when I finally got rid of it this fall. LOL!!!
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Brrrrrrr it's cold
Monday, December 01, 2008
Did you know that I do well with sitting on my butt and resting with my foot up, that in it's self is driving me crazy. My foot may hurt but my bum hurts worse from sitting on it too long.
Cass was working very hard this weekend to get your Sweet Treats ready for December so they are all set and are wonderful, 19 items and 15 of them are 40 years older or more!!!!! You might want to get them fast we only have 15 and if you did not reserve yours they are going fast, some before we were done packing.
You might want to stop by the store sometime soon we are also getting little goodie bags of little vintage treasures out for sale, we are working as fast as we can to get these ready for you.
Well back to work, I'm still finding stuff for January Sweet Treats. It will be here before we know it.
Have fun!!!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
What NOT to do.......
Monday, November 24, 2008
Busy, busy, busy..........
I hope to get the tree up this weekend, there isn't a lot of time between now and Christmas this year, If all goes well maybe I'll post pictures. I did find my dining room this weekend, for those of you who do not know I'm not a neat person, there I said it, and a lot of my junk goes right into the dining room because we don't use it. I'm talking bags and bags of stuff, the stuff I bought in San Diego a few months ago was still in the bag in there, all my die cutting machines and dies, you get the picture. Well since Thanksgiving is this week and everyone is eating here we needed a place to eat so now I hae a dining room again and not a junk room, it will last through the Holiday season because I also use the table for wrapping gifts.
Well I should get ready for work, it's going to be a busy week getting ready for Black Friday sales we do have some really good stuff coming in for it so watch you email for the list and if you don't get our emails go to and sign the guest book now!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Well the Holidays are upon us..........
Well more to do, hey for those of you who didn't know we do have and Etsy store the link is to the right under Paper Tales online we sell kits and vintage goodies there you might want to take a look, I'm getting ready to add stuff now.
Have a good day!!!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Do you need some inspiration??????
Well Sunday at the store we are having a Holiday Open House, what is this you ask. Well I'm not sure. LOL!!!! Ok yes I do. We have been working on quick ideas for you to do for the holidays, either as gifts or decorations. We will be there to help you pull stuff to put it together at home or to just inspire you to use your stash. You should come and see what all we have in store for you, and we might just have cookies there.
Did you also know that this Friday starts our Sizzix challenge, you can come in on friday do a wonderful make and take for free and get a great demo for the sizzix and a chance to win one, I must tell you I have one of the old ones and never used it, but after CHA this summer I couldn't wait to get my hands on one of the new ones, it can do some amazing things. You should come in and check it out.
Monday, November 10, 2008
just a quickie for now........

Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Friday 12/05/08 9am-9pm
Saturday 12/06/08 9am-5pm
Cost $15
Each Shop Hopper will make 2 cards w/envelopes at each participating store they visit. Shop Hoppers will also receive a 25% discount on their purchases for both days.
Each store you visit will be entering your name in a drawing for store prizes and visiting all participating stores gets you an entry for the Grand Prize a weekend retreat at Memories Manor in St. Clair a $275 Value!!!
Deadline to register is Monday December 1st, don't miss this one!!
Participating Stores:
Paper Tales in Eastpointe
Beaded Stamper in Lapeer
Jane's Craft Studio in Waterford
Karen's Creative Stamps in Burton
Live,Laugh, Love and Scrap in Oxford
My Craft Room in Troy
Remember When & Scrap in Chesterfield
Scrap Happy in North Branch
Scrappin & Stampin Paradise in Macomb
Shoebox Memories in Lapeer
The Paper Hollow in Troy
Monday, November 03, 2008
I hate being sick!!!!!!
I know my red looks pink but it's my lighting, it is a beautful deep red with gold sparkles, and so is the green. The gold really does show through.
I can't wait to start using these in my projects.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
No real title today.......
I also have a few pictures of my Christmas house on the 10th, this you are making a cute little house that actually looks like something is going on in the windows and you have a tag book inside.
Well I suppose I should go get ready for work, I need to pack Novembers Sweet Treats today, you guys are going to love these.
Have a good day
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Thank You for waiting.......
And if you are looking for some cool stuff, Paper Tales does have an online store at etsy ther is a link to the right, you might want to check that out, I'll be adding some cool stuff in the next couple of days, trust me really cool stuff.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Now to answer some of your questions;
I will be happy to sell some kits for this class, but I had to order more of Teresa's paper first so please let me know if you are seriously interested and I will figure out how to get it done.
Now as far as my source for the vintage stuff Oh how I wish there was a few places where I/we could go to pick up what we need or want, but it really is luck and lots of searching, yard sales antique stores, ebay. It takes time, I had the idea for the book when the papr came out and had already started my collection but took until now to get enough stuff, and a few of the items are reproductions, but only a few. It's not easy but I love the hunt for the next great treasure.
As far as knowing the girls at Paper Tales in San Diego, yes I do and Michelle and Helle are wonderful and sweet, I was just there and they have some great little vintage finds in there store they have someone that brings them in that does the searching, California is a great place to search.
Thank you once again for your kind words on my project. If you have anymore questions please let me know.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
New Class!!!!!!!!
It is a very charming book.
Please keep and eye on our many classes coming up lots of them will be great for gifts, have some fun in a class and make a great gift at the same time.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Back into the swing of things........
Here is Michelle and Helle, they own and run Paper Tales in San Diego and I must say they are two of the sweetest girls I've met and the store is just charming it would definataly be worth the trip if you are anywhere around Southern California, I love all the vintage stuff they have there.
Here's another friend I made while in San Diego, while on Shelter Island, I could have pet him but I think ha wanted food, bye that time of the day so did I.
Guess where I am here??????
Guess who lives here???? I know you can't tell but this is Bugs Bunny's house or where he use to live he is even carved into the circle in the door. Yes we took a trolley ride in Beverly Hills.
You would think Jon would be smiling since he is on the Santa Monica Pier and just order us a
yup that's a big ole funnel cake, can't go to the peir and not have one, of course our just about blew away.
Can you guess where our Hotel is?????? Well just follow the smoke and you'll get closer. I don't see how people stand all the fires, and it's a constant almost, they have five seasons spring summer, fall winter and fire. No thank you, I had nose bleeds from it and let's not even mention traffic because of freeways being closed.
Although the smoke can make for a pretty picture, but I think I'd wait for clouds instead.
I know this is hard to see but while we stopped at a rest area for picture taking this sign killed me, yes it's a rattle snake warning sign, nice the side of the rest area I was trapesing all over outside boundaries to take pictures no signs go to the other side and these things were all over the place.
Well I really need to get going and get some stuff done.
Goodnight for now.