Wednesday, November 26, 2008

What NOT to do.......

The day before Thanksgiving when you are cooking.
No it is not broken just badly bruised/hurt, note to self don't drop a treadmill on your foot. Yes I know that they are for walking on not under. I'm to stay off of it for a few days, keep it up and rest, I don't think the doctor knows that I have a dinner to fix tomorrow or work to go to on friday, and as I sit here and complain about that I am still so thankful that I have plenty of food to cook tomorrow and a wonderful job to go to on friday when so many of those out there don't in these trouble times.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and spends some time with family and friends and I'll see you on Friday at the store.


Hel said...

OMG What are you doing? Was that a Helen? LOL I hope your up and about soon. Try try not to over do it tomorrow. Geezzzzz what are we gonna do with you?

shannon said...


Brandy said...

sorry, chica! i just smashed my foot in the pantry door and feel bad enough. glad i didn't even go near the treadmill!

Monica said...

Yikes! hope your foot is feeling better.