Thursday, July 31, 2008
Just a quickie today......
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
What a mess!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Prayers please.......
Thank you.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
A day of play.........

This is the one for the vintage class, I used mostly paper, just to show what you can do with all the punches and die machines out there, they aren't just for cutesie stuff.
I know some new stuff has shipped already so you might want to start stalking the store to see what all is coming, there's some good stuff on it's way, but please save some for me, the Graphic 45 didn't make it thru the weekend, but that's ok we ordered more so if you missed out it too is on it's way back in stock.
Well I think I want to go back and play some more.
Until next time.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Back to reallity........
It's a star book I think the class is Tues. Aug. 5th. Please call the store if you want to take it or need a kit.
Here are two of the three Vintage Layout's you will do Sat. Aug. 9th. once again reserve your spot soon it tend to fill up quickly.
Well I guess I need to get back to work, more samples to make.
Monday, July 21, 2008
WOOOO!!!!!.......WHOOOO!!!!!!!...... doesn't quite cut it today!!!!!!!!!
Yes I WON!!!!!!!!!!
Melissa Frances did a wonderful thing and had a alter a bra contest for all the store attending CHA. It was to raise awareness to Breast Cancer and other Cancers. The bras then would be voted on by everyone at the show, and I won!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now you need to go to Melissa's blog and let her know what a wonderful job she is doing, there is a link to the left. Let me tell you she has some beautiful stuff coming out and yes you will be able to get at Paper Tales, so keep your eyes open for it to come in, and yes I will be doing a book class with her new Christmas line, it is just beautiful. Well now I'm rambling so I'mm going to get more coffee, but I will leave you with a little better look at the bra.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Sorry no pictures tonight too busy working tonight, just finished the tattered angels order must sleep now.
Good night.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Exhausted about covers how I feel......
Now I need to get back to helping Cass and Kate filling out order forms, maybe more pictures tomorrow we have a very early class at 6:30.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Well I'm not ready
Friday, July 11, 2008
This one is for Kelly's Tag
1. Never close drawers or cabinets behind me.
2. I love to sit and eat anchovies right out of the can/jar could eat those little critters all day.
3. Don't think you should ever cook a piece of fruit, don't eat don't like it. Yes that means I don't eat apple pie. Give me a piece of fruit fresh and I'll eat just about any kind, just don't cook it.
4. Yes I have to admit it I grew up in the mountains of Ky. so I have eaten squirrel. :o
5. Don't wear short, not even if it's 100 degrees outside, no one wants to see my white legs anyway, besides it means I'd have shave them.
6. Never sleep without blankets on me, just doesn't seem right to have them on the bed and not use them.
7. I do sleep with my eyes open, sometime all the way open, but most of the time it's just my left eye, I can't close it all the way without thinking about it so it is always slightly open anyway, it has something to do with the nerve in my brain that acts up that causes my headaches.
Well there you have it, I don't know if or how many people I'm suppose to tag so lets see I'll tag people on the left. Deb, Heather, Brandy, Kate and Caroline