Thursday, September 07, 2006

Can I just say that I can't stand the schools parking lot on the first few weeks of school!!!!! It's confusing and the new parents don't understand it, they just stop where ever, make left hand turns from right hand lanes and lets not forget the going the WRONG way one a one lane road. And to make matters worse you have the experienced parents that are not patient and cause a big tadoo, they don't seem to remember they were new parents once. Me I've been doing the Junior High lot for 5 years now, and will be very glad that my son will be bussed in High School.
Here is the only picture that I got the first day of school, let's see how it turns out I still don't have a feel for how I do this blog thing.

I'm taking a photography class on the first but I don't think it will make my subjects more cooperative.


Unknown said...

LOL at your rant. I have just the opposite with my camera subjects...I hear this constantly..."Momma, take a picture of this!"

Anonymous said...

I can relate to your rant! Ours isn't quite as complicated as yours, but why can't the kid get out while everyone else is stopped, why do they have to be at the 'front' of the line before getting out?!?! And then don't talk to them some more!


shannon said...

photography class sounds fun! and i hated the parking lots at school. my first accident was at the high school lot. i swear, the idiot was going backwards....

Heather said...

I would LOVE to take a photography class- have fun!